
erfa.gc2gd(n, xyz)[source]

Transform geocentric coordinates to geodetic using the specified reference ellipsoid.

nint array
xyzdouble array
elongdouble array
phidouble array
heightdouble array


Wraps ERFA function eraGc2gd. The ERFA documentation is:

- - - - - - - - -
 e r a G c 2 g d
- - - - - - - - -

Transform geocentric coordinates to geodetic using the specified
reference ellipsoid.

   n       int        ellipsoid identifier (Note 1)
   xyz     double[3]  geocentric vector (Note 2)

   elong   double     longitude (radians, east +ve, Note 3)
   phi     double     latitude (geodetic, radians, Note 3)
   height  double     height above ellipsoid (geodetic, Notes 2,3)

Returned (function value):
          int         status:  0 = OK
                              -1 = illegal identifier (Note 3)
                              -2 = internal error (Note 3)


1) The identifier n is a number that specifies the choice of
   reference ellipsoid.  The following are supported:

      n    ellipsoid

      1     ERFA_WGS84
      2     ERFA_GRS80
      3     ERFA_WGS72

   The n value has no significance outside the ERFA software.  For
   convenience, symbols ERFA_WGS84 etc. are defined in erfam.h.

2) The geocentric vector (xyz, given) and height (height, returned)
   are in meters.

3) An error status -1 means that the identifier n is illegal.  An
   error status -2 is theoretically impossible.  In all error cases,
   all three results are set to -1e9.

4) The inverse transformation is performed in the function eraGd2gc.

   eraEform     Earth reference ellipsoids
   eraGc2gde    geocentric to geodetic transformation, general

This revision:  2021 May 11

Copyright (C) 2013-2023, NumFOCUS Foundation.
Derived, with permission, from the SOFA library.  See notes at end of file.